A little bit about us…

Resilience Made In Horn

our tale of triumph

We were married in 1985 and spent the next 30+ years on various ranches in Osage County, OK. Most of that time was spent in Foraker, OK, where we raised our family.

James always wanted a cow horn buckle, but on cowboy wages it was difficult to do. So-he decided to make one. The first one was made from a buffalo horn his brother gave him.

He knew a man, Frank Adcock, who made the cow horn buckles. Over the years Frank taught James how to make buckles, James has made a lot of changes to the shape and style of his buckles. Over the years, we’ve included different options like braids and inlays to add more variety.

After raising our children, putting them through college, both of us being snake bit and having my hand reattached, we left the ranch.

James retired from his ranch foreman position in 2016 and started making buckles full-time. Shari started making floral designs with the horns-not usable for buckles. Traveling to trade shows, word of mouth and Facebook have helped the business grow. We’ve made a lot of friends through the trade shows and can keep in touch with everyone through our Facebook page.

Today – Shari still works part-time in town and makes floral arrangements in her spare time. We work at home raising cattle and making buckles. We enjoy traveling to the trade shows and meeting everyone enjoying our products. Hope to meet you at one someday.

Featured in

The Oklahoman

Our story was featured in The Oklahoman newspaper. See the full article.

Make The Unique Mark Of Yourself And Have Your Signature

cow horn buckle!

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